Today I'd like to share some simple tips to make your vape battery last longer.
1. Use a good quality battery charger.
Please buy a charger from the regular channel,
say “no” to the fake product. For the lithium battery, please use a lithium
battery charger and follow the instructions. If you use another charger, please
notice whether the current and voltage of the charger match your vape. Otherwise,
the battery may be damaged or even dangerous.
2. Do not charge your battery overnight
Although it is very convenient to charge
your device before going to sleep, it is really not a good habit. You should take
the plug off when the battery is fully charged, in order to keep the battery
life span. Actually, not all the chargers have the auto cut-off function in charging
(Xtar’s chargers have this function). If you keep the battery in charging all
night, the battery would be damaged and would reduce the vaping efficiency.
In general, do not over-charge your battery
and other power devices.
3. Do not charge the battery under high or low-temperature environment.
Never put the vapes or vape batteries on
the side of the heater or windows for charging in the winter, which can cause
serious damage to the charger, vapes, and batteries, and even cause more
dangerous accidents.
Again, be sure to stay away from all
flammable materials and children.
4. Store batteries with a full charge
If you have more than one battery or
device, please do not store the battery in the device you don’t use. And if you
will not use your battery for a few weeks or months, please make sure the battery is in full charge.
If you want to keep it for a longer time,
please make sure to charge the battery every three to six months (in full
charge too). The battery should be stored in a dry environment at 4 ° C ~ 35 °
C or use a separate moisture-proof packaging.
5. Do not over-discharge the battery
Charging the battery after it is used up
would largely damage the battery. The exhaustion of the battery is actually a
so-called "deep discharge", which may have an irreversible effect on
the internal material structure of the battery and shorten the battery life.
Therefore, such situations should be avoided in daily life.
If you drain the battery, and it is out of
work, you can use the Xtar charger to revive your battery to alive, for Xtar’s
chargers have a unique 0V activation function. Put your over-discharged
battery in the Xtar charger, the charger will auto-detect and revive your
6. Keep your battery with enough power in
daily use
If you use it in low power for a long time,
it will theoretically affect the service life of the battery. So please keep
the e-cigarette battery with enough power in daily use.
7. Do not charge while using
For the rechargeable e-cigarette, please do
not charge the battery while using it. Or the temperature of the device will rise
quickly, which will cause large damage or even more dangerous things.
8. Turn off the e-cigarette after using
As you know, if you keep your e-cigarette
on, it still consumes the battery power slowly. Just like the TV or camera
device, turn off the e-cigarette after you use it.
9. Regularly clean the electronic cigarette
It is recommended to clean it once a week.
On the one hand, it has a good guarantee for your health and diligent cleaning
will prolong the service life of the equipment.